Have You Taken All of the Funeral Costs into Account?
If you are unfortunate enough to have a relative who is terminally ill, then you may be resigned to the inevitable and will be thinking about making arrangements for their death. This is going to be a difficult time as it is, and some additional or unexpected costs may add insult to injury. While you may have a rough idea of what this will involve, have you really thought it through? Some people make assumptions or may forget to add some of the costs associated with a funeral and it's far better to be prepared. Have you overlooked some of these elements?
When somebody passes away, it may still be traditional in your community to post a notice in your local media. This is more important for somebody who is of relatively advanced age, as people of their age and their peers may not have access to social media. If you do post a notice in your local newspapers, remember to add on the cost.
Cremation and Burial Fees
If you plan a cremation for your loved one, you may have to provide a doctor's note before the process can go ahead. This may come with an attached fee.
If, on the other hand, you would rather have a burial instead, then you need to talk with the facility first to see if there are any direct costs involved. Some cemeteries may charge more than others depending on how much room is available, although if the dearly departed was a regular churchgoer, then the fee may well be waived.
Catering Event
After the ceremony is over, are you going to invite everyone back to a funeral tea? Some people choose to have this function at a local community hall or private club of some kind, especially if they expect a large number of attendees. This could be quite a sum when you take into account the venue hire and the cost of catering for everyone. It's traditional to have a cold buffet of some kind, but this can certainly add up. Alternatively, you can host at your home and ask people to bring a dish of some kind in an attempt to save some money.
Plan Early
Talk with your funeral director as early as possible and in advance of the fateful day. This will help you to get a firm grasp on the associated funeral costs and make sure that you are prepared.